Easter celebrations in Britain traditionally involve hot cross buns, bonnet parades and lots of chocolate.
But how do other countries celebrate this special occasion?

Let’s take a look at some of the different ways people around the world mark Easter.
While we typically associate witches with Halloween, it’s a very different story in Finland. Young children dress as witches at Easter and roam the streets carrying willow twigs decorated with shiny paper and coloured fabric.
They go from door to door seeking treats and, in return, offer blessings to ward off evil spirits.
Papua New Guinea
The Papua New Guineans have come up with a rather surprising alternative to the Easter egg hunt. Because chocolate doesn’t last long in the sweltering heat, people hide cigarettes in the trees outside local churches.
Following the Easter service, the congregants search out these hidden tobacco items instead.
You can expect to see an eye-catching bowl of red eggs served on Easter Sunday in Greek Orthodox households. The hard-boiled eggs are dyed a deep, crimson colour by mixing yellow onion skins (the dry outer layer you peel off and usually throw away) with boiling water and a dash of white vinegar.
The red shells represent the blood of Christ, while the egg symbolises rebirth. The cracking of the egg, which is done around the table, represents the opening of Jesus’s tomb.
The Scandis are known for their chill-you-to-the-bone crime dramas, often referred to as Nordic Noir. So, where did this fascination with dark tales originate? Perhaps it’s got something to do with the Norwegian tradition of Påskekrim, which means Easter crime.
It all started in 1923 with a front-page advert in a national newspaper for a book entitled ‘The Bergen Train Was Robbedin the Night’. Many readers were duped into thinking the incident was real, and the ensuing publicity meant the book was a hit.
Since then, canny publishers hoping to cash in have released new crime fiction to coincide with Påskekrim. In recent years, broadcasters have followed suit by airing new crime dramas for people to watch over their Easter break.
From all of us here at Newton Fallowell Melton Mowbray, we hope you have a happy and safe Easter break.