Have you ever wondered how some landlords seem to run successful portfolios and others don’t seem to crack the rental property puzzle?
Read MoreIn this article, we’ll give you straight answers to three of the most common questions landlords are asking us.
Read MoreCuckooing is a heartless crime that puts your tenant’s wellbeing at risk and leaves you, as the landlord, facing an array of legal issues. So, if you own a rental property, here’s what you need to know.
Read MoreHere are five key steps landlords should take before handing over the keys.
Read MoreWhen considering the purchase of a ‘doer-upper’ – a property that requires refurbishment – landlords are often faced with a Shakespearean (ish) question: “To buy, or not to buy?”
Read MoreFirst-time buyers might be getting older, but when it comes to landlords, it’s a different story.
Read MoreAre landlords leaving the market in droves, as some experts claim? Or are reports of an exodus exaggerated? Let’s look beyond the hype to find out what’s going on.
Read MoreIs the rental market running hot or cold, and what can we expect in the coming year? Let’s dig into the latest data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and property portal Zoopla to find out.
Read MoreA good letting agent can make a world of difference for both landlords and tenants. Here are ten things a top-notch letting agent does to provide outstanding service:
Read MoreIf you feel totally at home in your rental property, you may daydream about buying it from your landlord.
Read MoreThere’s no room for complacency when it comes to dealing with insects in a rental property.
Read MoreYou can avoid a frantic panic on moving day by starting your end-of-tenancy preparations sooner rather than later.
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