How to Keep Warm this Winter

Winter is not the easiest season to get through. With the short days and cold weather most of us simply want Spring to come as soon as possible. No matter how much we wish for the warmer weather and longer days, we still have to cope with winter and trying to keep warm, especially on a budget can be a challenge. So, what are the best ways to keep warm over winter?

Block Drafts

Most homes will have that door that doesn’t quite close properly or that window with slightly perished seals which let in terrible drafts. This can be one of the biggest reasons for you being cold and blocking the drafts is a simple and very effective way of keeping the heat in. Use draft excluders around doors and windows where you can. Close curtains that will also help keep the heat in the room rather than escaping through glass. It might make sense to invest in some good quality, thick, thermal curtains or you can buy thermal curtain lining to add to your existing curtains, like these from Dunelm, as these also work really well at keeping the heat in. Close internal doors too so that the heat is retained in the room you are in.

Only Heat Where You Need

To help reduce costs, but also not overload your boiler, only heat the rooms you need. You can use temperature control valves on your radiators to reduce the temperature in rooms you don’t use whilst still keeping them warm enough to prevent moisture build up. You should, where you can heat your living room to about 21˚C and bedrooms to 18 ˚C. It might pay to turn the heating down in your bedroom until about an hour before you need it and then turn it on ready for bedtime. By heating less of your home and only the areas you need, you can better control the temperature and also reduce your heating bills too.

Layer Up

Whether you are inside or outside, layers are key. It can be tempting to put on a large, thick woolly jumper but that is nowhere near as effective as multiple thinner layers. Each layer will trap air which is a great insulator and should you get too warm you can always take a layer off. Don’t be afraid to use blankets and even wear socks and slippers around the house to keep warm. Not only will layers use your natural body heat to keep you warm, but they will also allow you to turn the heating down too.

Eat and Drink Well

Good hearty food and warm drinks are just the ticket on a cold day. Try to avoid alcohol as it works to keep your blood vessels open when they actually want to constrict and focus on keeping your core warm. Drinking alcohol will cause you to lose body heat. Eating anything is better than eating nothing at all as it will keep your metabolism going which creates body heat. Eating healthily, though, is better, so, soups, warm drinks, stews and things like jacket potatoes are perfect for giving a nice slow metabolic burn.

Keep Active

It can be tempting to just sit on the sofa and hibernate during the cold weather but that just slows your metabolism down and you produce less natural body heat. Try to keep active and move around. This will keep your metabolism going and warm you up. Even going outside, in plenty of layers for a brisk walk will be better than being inactive.

Although winter is not everyone’s cup of tea, there are a few simple things that you can do to keep out the worst of the cold and be comfortably warm without breaking the bank. Remember, block drafts, eat well, move around and layer up!