How to carve a Pumpkin

Pumpkin carving has only fairly recently become popular in the UK. Many adults have not had the pleasure of the experience and so when it comes time to carve pumpkins with their children, they can be forgiven for being unsure on how to proceed. In order to help out we have created this article to cover the basics of how to carve a pumpkin.

  1. Select a pumpkin and once you have it home, with a serrated knife cut the top off the pumpkin. If you cut this at a slight angle it will prevent the lid from dropping into the pumpkin when it is time to place it back on. Once you have removed your top, place this to one side.
  2. It is now time to remove the insides of the pumpkin. Using a large serving spoon or an ice cream scoop and where necessary, your serrated knife, remove the insides and set to one side. You can make a delicious pumpkin pie with the left-over insides. Top tip: Did you know pumpkin is a super food for dogs? The pumpkin flesh is a very good source of iron, fibre, vitamin A, potassium and carotene.
  3. It is time to draw on your design. You can draw a traditional scary face free hand or if you want to get a bit more creative but need some design assistance then check out these pumpkin templates from BBC Good Food. Our favourite is the Dalek! There are lots of designs freely available online, from Disney characters to traditional witches, ghosts and of course scary faces.
  4. Now you have the design for your pumpkin, it is time to get carving. Again, a serrated knife is very good, try using a steak knife for smaller fiddly bits. If it is easier remove larger sections and go back over your design to get a nice smooth cut finish. You can buy a specially designed pumpkin carving kit from many good retailers, check out this set available from the Range
  5. To light up your pumpkin you can use traditional candles, but if you have safety concerns use a battery operated tealight or even some fairy lights, just imagine your pumpkin flashing, scary huh?
  6. If using real candle(s) then it recommended that you create a chimney to prevent the pumpkin blackening. The way to do this is to light your candle and place the lid back on for a few minutes while the candle burns. Then pierce a small hole in the lid in the area that has started to blacken to create a chimney. Top tip: To get an aromatic pumpkin pie smell, sprinkle some cinnamon inside the pumpkin, when the candle warms it, it will smell divine!
  7. Some pumpkin carving experts recommend using petroleum jelly like Vaseline on the cut edges to help prevent wilting. If wilting does occur after a couple of days, your pumpkin can be revived by soaking in water – remember to remove the candle or lights first.
  8. Safety reminders. Remember to always supervise children when using knives and never leave a lit candle unattended.

And there we have it, your guide on how to carve a pumpkin. Like all new tasks, your confidence will grow each time you carve. We would love to see the fruits of your labour, why not share your creative pumpkin masterpieces with us through our Facebook page!